Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sony exec talks PS app store, PS3 game portability, AMD chips, and more

PS4's interface is heavy on social integration, and its network service will allow players to play for their friends in difficult parts of the game.
Andrew Cunningham

Sony revealed a few more choice details about its upcoming PlayStation 4 at a roundtable discussion with Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, that took place Thursday morning. Among Yoshida’s interesting tidbits were that Sony hasn’t decided whether downloaded PS3 games will be portable to the PS4, that 4K games are not in the cards for the system, and that he'd like to see a more expanded downloadable app store on PSN.

Immediately after Sony’s PS4 announcement, the press latched on to questions over whether Sony would allow games purchased through the PlayStation Network on PS3 to carry over to PS4, either through a direct transfer or through its Gaikai-powered cloud service (the company has already announced that PS3 discs will not work natively on the new system). At first Sony said no, and then seemed to say it didn’t know if such a thing would be possible. At the roundtable Ars attended, Yoshida stated that “we are working on service plans and haven’t decided.” It seems Sony knows there are feasible ways of achieving this kind of content transfer, but it hasn’t yet decided if it’s a worthwhile pursuit.

When questioned about the PS4's newly announced 3D stereo camera, the PS4 Eye, Yoshida wouldn't confirm whether the peripheral will be included in the box with the PS4 or not. He did note that face tracking will be “more robust” on the PS4, however, and that the Eye will be able to “use one camera for video streaming” while still tracking players' movements for gameplay.

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