Microsoft and Nokia announced the flagship Windows Phone handset, the Nokia Lumia 920, at a press event in New York City on Wednesday. Just like the lack of grounding that plagued the end of the announcement (no pricing, dates, or availability information), the presenters on the show floor were extremely stingy when it came to letting us get our paws on the device. But we got a few touches in.
The yellow and red Lumia 920 both have glossy plastic bodies, while the black uses a matte finish (not quite as rubberized as the Lumia 900). The screens are curved glass, and the top and bottom edges don't have the same taper as the Lumia 900 did.
The Lumia 920 is a bit larger in both directions, to accommodate the slightly larger 4.5-inch screen. While none of the phones shown were final production models, the screen seemed to have poor viewing angles when rotated top to bottom; side-to-side, we saw very little dimming.
We only saw two demos on the show floor, one of which demonstrated the NFC capabilities of various charging and audio accessories for the Lumia 920. All worked as promised: touch the phone to the surface and it either starts charging or pairs automatically with the set of headphones or speaker for music playback.
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