Samsung announced the Galaxy S III at its Mobile Unpacked event today in London. The phone has a large 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display and runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
Complementing the large 1280x720-resolution screen are an 8-megapixel camera on the back and a 1.9-megapixel camera on the front. The phone will have a 2100mAh battery and come in 16GB and 32GB configurations, with a 64GB version "available soon." As announced earlier, the phone has a quad-core Exynos processor.
The Galaxy S III will feature "S Voice," a natural language user interface that will allow users to issue the phone verbal commands—for instance, verbally telling the phone to snooze when the alarm rings. Samsung appears to intend for S Voice to compete with Siri, the voice technology Apple introduced with the iPhone 4S.
The Samsung Galaxy S III is set to roll out in Europe on May 29, with 4G LTE and HSPA+ versions arriving in the USA in "summer 2012." Carriers have not yet been specified, though Samsung has said it plans to take the phone on a "10-city world tour."
The phone continues the successful Galaxy S line and immediately follows the Samsung Galaxy S II, which launched a year ago in Europe and last fall in the USA.
Our own Peter Bright is on the ground at the event, and will follow up with a hands-on of the hardware shortly.
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